How To Find Someone On Spotify Without Their Username?

Are you on the hunt for your old friends or perhaps just their playlists on Spotify? But, oh no, you don’t have their username? Then how to find someone on Spotify without their username?

Don’t worry! I’ve been in that exact spot while searching for my crush, and guess what? I’ve compiled a list of 5 different methods to search for your friends on Spotify without their usernames:

  1. Integrating Facebook with Spotify 
  2. Searching by playlist 
  3. Using shared playlists [My Personal Favourite]
  4. Searching using your friend’s real name 
  5. Checking your followers on Spotify

But that’s not all! There are even more ways to connect with your users on Spotify in this guide. You can also:

  • Use their username (if you happen to get it later)
  • Link through Instagram
  • Indirectly use their email (only if you have permission)
  • Utilize their phone number (with their consent, of course)

Let’s dive into these easy steps in detail together!

How To Find Someone On Spotify Without Their Username

Method 1: Facebook Integration with Spotify

Using Facebook to connect with Spotify is a method I find straightforward especially when trying to locate friends on Spotify without their usernames. Let’s dive into the steps and some tips from my experiences:

Facebook Integration with Spotify

Step 1: Connect with Facebook

  • Open the Spotify app on your desktop or mobile device.
  • Go to ‘Settings‘ or ‘Preferences‘.
  • Look for the ‘Social‘ section or something similar.
  • There should be an option to ‘Connect to Facebook‘. Click on it.

When you connect Spotify to Facebook, be aware of the permissions you’re granting.

Step 2: Log in to Facebook

  • A window will pop up asking you to log in to your Facebook account. Enter your Facebook credentials.
  • Grant the necessary permissions for Spotify to access your Facebook information.

As with any online platform, I prefer using unique passwords, and enabling two-factor authentication (if available) is a good practice.

Step 3: Find Friends

Once connected, Spotify will automatically show Facebook friends who are also on Spotify in the ‘Friends’ sidebar or ‘Find Friends’ section.

If you decide to disconnect Spotify from Facebook later on, you can do so from the same ‘Social’ settings. 

However, remember that if you signed up via Facebook, you might need to set a device password for Spotify first.

Remember, while the Facebook integration offers convenience, always prioritize your privacy and security. And most importantly, enjoy the music and the connections it brings!

Method 2: Searching by Playlist to Find Friends

Searching by Playlist to Find Friends

Searching by playlist is a method I’ve seen many use when they’re trying to find friends or even just discover new music. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it, along with some personal insights and tips:

Step 1: Open Spotify

Start by launching the Spotify app on your desktop or mobile device.

Step 2: Use the Search Bar

In the search bar, type in the name of the playlist you remember or think your friend might have created. 

If you’re trying to find a friend’s playlist, it’s easier if they’ve given it a unique name. Common names will yield a lot of results, making your search a bit tough. 

Step 3: Browse the Results

Spotify will show you a list of playlists that match your search query. Browse through them to see if you recognize any.

Remember, not all playlists will show up in search results. If your friend has set their playlist to private, it won’t appear. Respect their privacy choices.

Step 4: Access the Creator’s Profile

Once you find the playlist you were looking for, click on it. You’ll see the name of the playlist creator at the top or somewhere near the playlist title.

Click on the creator’s name, and you’ll be taken to their Spotify profile.

However, Whether you find your friend or not, you’ll likely come across some fantastic tunes along the way.

Music has this incredible power to connect us, even if it’s just by sharing a playlist name. 

Method 3: Using Shared Playlist to Add Friends

Using shared playlists to find friends on Spotify is a method that’s close to my heart. It’s all about the connections we make through music. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use shared playlists to find friends, along with some personal insights and tips:

Step 1: Locate the Shared Playlist Link

Begin by finding the link to the playlist your friend shared with you. This could be in your messages, emails, or any other platform where they might have sent it.

Tip: If you think you’ll want to revisit a shared playlist or the profile of the person who shared it, I recommend bookmarking the link or following the playlist on Spotify. It makes it easier to find later.

Step 2: Open the Link on Spotify

Click on the link, and it should automatically open in your Spotify app if you are using your phone. But if you’re on a desktop and it opens in a web browser, there should be an option to “Open in Spotify”.

Step 3: View the Playlist Creator’s Profile

Once the playlist is open, you’ll see the name of the creator at the top or near the playlist title. Click on the creator’s name, and you’ll be directed to their Spotify profile.

Also, Respect User Privacy. Just because someone shared a playlist with you doesn’t mean they want it shared with others. Always ask for permission before sharing someone else’s playlist.

Method 4: Search by the Real Name of your Friend

Searching by real name on Spotify is a method I’ve witnessed many use, especially when they’re trying to find friends or acquaintances.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it, along with some personal insights and tips:

Step 1: Open Spotify

Start by launching the Spotify app on your desktop or mobile device.

Step 2: Use the Search Bar

In the search bar, type in the full name of the person you’re trying to find.

If you’re unsure about the spelling or if they might use a nickname, try a few variations.

If your friend has a common name, you might find multiple profiles with the same name.

In such cases, profile pictures or known playlists can be helpful clues. I’ve seen many get lost in a sea of  Ed Sheeran before finding the right one.

Step 3: Browse the Results

Spotify will show you a list of profiles that match your search query. Browse through them to see if you recognize any profile pictures or associated playlists.

Some people prefer using pseudonyms, nicknames, or just their first names on Spotify for privacy reasons.

If you can’t find them by their full name, consider other names they might go by.

Step 4: Access the Profile

Once you find the person you are looking for, click on their name to access their Spotify profile and see their public playlists or recently played tracks.

If you do find someone by their real name, always respect their privacy. Not everyone might be comfortable with others going through their music choices. Music is personal, after all.

Honestly, searching by real name can be a hit or miss. While it’s a straightforward method, it hinges on how people choose to represent themselves on Spotify.

But when it does work, it’s a delightful feeling, almost like spotting a friend in a crowded room based solely on the tune they’re humming.

Method 5: Checking Your Followers on Spotify

Checking your followers on Spotify is a more direct approach, and it’s one I’ve observed to be quite effective. After all, if someone’s following you, there’s a good chance you know them.

Let’s dive into the steps, and I’ll share some personal insights and tips along the way:

Step 1: Open Spotify

Launch the Spotify app on your desktop or mobile device.

Step 2: Go to Your Profile

Navigate to your profile. On a desktop, you can find this in the top right corner, usually represented by your profile picture or name.

On mobile, it’s typically under the ‘Home’ or ‘Library’ tab.

If you’re not comfortable with everyone seeing your playlists or following you, remember to adjust your privacy settings on Spotify.

It’s essential to curate your online presence in a way that feels right for you.

Step 3: Check Followers

Once on your profile, you’ll see a ‘Followers’ count. Click on it to see a list of all the profiles following you.

Step 4: Browse Through the List

Scroll through your followers to see if you recognize any names or profile pictures.

If you spot a friend or someone you know, you can click on their name to view their profile.

How to Find Someone on Spotify Using Their Username?

Finding someone on Spotify using their username is one of the most direct methods.

It’s like having their address in the vast city of Spotify. Let me guide you through the steps, sprinkled with some personal insights and tips:

Step 1: Open Spotify

Launch the Spotify app on your desktop or mobile device.

Step 2: Use the Search Bar

In the search bar, type spotify:user:USERNAME, replacing “USERNAME” with the actual username of the person you’re trying to find.

Spotify has both usernames (which are unique and often a string of numbers if created recently) and display names (which can be anything and might match the person’s real name).

When searching with the spotify:user:USERNAME method, you need the actual username, not the display name.

Step 3: Access the Profile

If the username is correct, their profile should appear in the search results.

Click on it to view their public playlists, followers, and other profile details.

Remember, not everyone makes all their playlists public.

So, if you’re looking for a specific playlist and can’t find it, it might be set to private.

How to Find Someone’s Spotify Through Instagram?

Find Someone's Spotify through instagram

Finding someone’s Spotify through Instagram can be a nifty way to connect with their musical tastes, especially if they’ve chosen to share their Spotify details on their Instagram profile.

Let’s walk through the steps, and I’ll sprinkle in some insights and tips from my experiences:

  1. Visit Their Instagram Profile: Open the Instagram app or website and navigate to the person’s profile you’re interested in.
  1. Check Their Bio: Many users who want to share their Spotify playlists or profiles will include a link in their Instagram bio. This is often done using link services like Linktree, which allow users to share multiple links under one URL.
  1. Instagram Stories: Some users share their current favorite songs or playlists on their Instagram Stories. If they’ve linked their Spotify to their Instagram, you can usually tap on the song title in the story, and it will give you an option to “Play on Spotify.”
  1. Highlighted Stories: If they frequently share music, they might have a Highlight dedicated to their favorite tunes or playlists. Check their profile for any Highlights labeled “Music,” “Tunes,” “Playlists,” or something similar.
  1. Direct Approach: If you can’t find a direct link but are keen to connect on Spotify, consider sending them a polite direct message (DM) asking if they’d be willing to share their Spotify username or a favorite playlist. Just ensure your message is respectful and not intrusive.

How to Add Someone’s Spotify Account With Email?

Finding someone’s Spotify using their email address directly isn’t straightforward due to privacy concerns. Spotify doesn’t allow users to search for profiles using email addresses within the platform.

However, if you’re trying to connect with someone on Spotify and have their email address, here are some indirect approaches you can consider:

  1. Directly Ask Them: The most straightforward and respectful approach is to email them and ask if they’d be willing to share their Spotify username or a favorite playlist with you.
  1. Friend Recommendations: If you have connected your own Spotify account to Facebook and the person whose email you have is a Facebook friend (and they’ve also connected their Spotify to Facebook), they might appear in the “Find Friends” section on Spotify.
  1. Shared Playlists: If they’ve ever emailed you a link to one of their Spotify playlists, you can access their profile from that link.
  1. Invitation to Collaborative Playlists: If you’re trying to collaborate on a playlist, you can create a collaborative playlist on Spotify and then share the link with them via email. Once they add to the playlist, you can access their profile.

How to Connect with Someone On Spotify With a Phone Number?

Connecting with someone on Spotify using their phone number directly isn’t possible due to privacy concerns.

Spotify doesn’t provide a feature to search for users based on phone numbers.

However, if you’re trying to connect with someone on Spotify and have their phone number, here are some indirect approaches and considerations:

Directly Ask Them:

The most straightforward approach is to send them a text or call them, asking if they’d be willing to share their Spotify username or a favorite playlist with you.

Contact Syncing:

Some apps and platforms allow syncing of contacts, which might suggest friends or connections based on phone numbers. However, as of my last update, Spotify doesn’t offer this feature directly based on phone numbers.

Shared Playlists:

If they’ve ever sent you a link to one of their Spotify playlists via a messaging app or SMS, you can access their profile from that link.

How To Find Someone On Spotify Without Facebook?

Find someone on Spotify without facebook

Adding someone on Spotify without relying on Facebook requires a bit of creativity and exploration. Based on our previous discussions, there are several methods to consider:

Firstly, one of the most direct ways is to search using their username. If you have their exact Spotify username, you can easily locate their profile by typing spotify:user:USERNAME in the search bar.

Another approach is to search by playlist. If you recall a specific playlist your friend might have created or mentioned, you can search for that playlist’s name.

You can also explore playlists that have been shared with you. If your friend ever sent you a Spotify playlist link, opening that link will lead you directly to their profile.

Searching by real name is another option. Some Spotify users use their real names as their display names. By entering their full name or variations of it in the search bar, you might come across their profile.

Lastly, don’t forget to check your followers. If you’ve been active on Spotify for a while, there’s a chance your friend might already be following you.

Final Thoughts on Finding Users on Spotify

And there we have it! Finding friends on Spotify without a username might’ve seemed like a puzzle at first, but with a little creativity and patience, it’s totally doable. 

I’ve tried these methods myself, and it’s always a thrill when I stumble upon a friend’s profile. After all, music is all about connection, right?

So, whether you’re jamming to the same beats or discovering new tunes, remember that Spotify is a playground of melodies waiting to be explored with friends. Happy listening!

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